Week 5 — 5.1 Concept Testing

Refined problem statement: “In what way might I utilize a reflective mirror outside of my window to increase the levels of natural light in my room?”

list of needs.

Must be sturdy
Must be waterproof!
Easy to remove!
Adaptable to surroundings
 Must not consume electricity!
 Must be reasonably priced
 Must not block outside view
 Must not create blinding glare inside room
 Safety -- Must not get hot due to sunlight
   No parts should degrade /fail due to exposure to sunshine
   No any sharp edges


  1. The concept I’m pursuing is my original concept here, except for the holes:
  2. I showed my concepts to my husband, who shares the space in question with me. He agreed that the current iteration works the best.


Selection Matrix:

After I built my prototype, I remembered that the gap was for ME, not commercial production! Somehow I got distracted thinking about Professor Karl’s scooter and injection molds and all kinds of huge ideas for a consumer product. So I don’t think I’ll actually USE the selection matrix I made!  🙂



Prototype photos:

I was excited about my periscope idea (concept H,) but I after actually trying to build it, I saw that there was less light below my window and more above. So I couldn’t attach it with hooks. I made some “rope” from plastic shopping bags and tried to hang it. It did increase the interior light level, but only very slightly.


I found that my periscope concept would require a much taller, larger box in order to produce enough light to make a difference in my room.



For concept F, I abandoned the tension rod since I could not craft hinges strong enough. I ended up playing around with the mirrors and eventually returned to my original concept from Week 1. It worked very well and really brightened the room noticeably.



2.1 DESIGN PROBLEM DEFINITION (P) – refine the definition of the design problem using the five-whys methodology.

In what way might I…
contribute to a more smooth family relationship
improve performance of daily tasks
improve my sleep cycle and general well-being

*increase the levels of natural light in my room
create a “daylighting” device (doesn’t cut holes in walls or ceilings)
install reflective mirrors outside of window

2.2 USER NEEDS (P) – 3 points

1.  a refinement of your one-sentence problem statement. — “To increase the levels of natural light in my room using a, sturdy, externally-mounted reflective device”
2. A list of at least 30 user needs.

3. Identification of one or more latent needs with an exclamation point (!).

Reflective Natural Light Enhancer
Must be sturdy
1. Must survive windy conditions
2. !Must be waterproof!
3. Must be animal-proof (cats, squirrels)
4. Must not damage building facade
Must be simple
5. Easy to install
6. !Easy to remove!
7. Relatively lightweight
8. Lanyards/pulls cannot get tangled
9. Must be easy to clean
Adaptability to surroundings
10. Must fit many window types
11. Must be easily adjustable at different times of daylight
12. Must not need constant adjusting
13. Must not disturb nearby neighbors
14. Must not protrude farther from building than a regular air conditioner
15. !Must not consume electricity!
16. Must be reasonably priced
Must be aesthetically pleasing
17. Must not block outside view
18. Must not create blinding glare inside room
19. Must not be ugly
20. Must not look too cheap
21. Should not color fade due to sunlight
22. Must not get extremely hot due to sunlight
23. No parts should melt due to sun’s heat
24. No parts should degrade and fail due to exposure to sunshine
25. Must not have any sharp edges
26. Should not entrap birds who view their own reflection
Logistical/Retail Issues
27. Should fit easily into a small car
28. Should be easy to carry as one package/one-handed
29. Item’s purpose should be clear by looking at it
30. Should not require assembly (only installation)


•    A sketch of a chair from the top view, front view and side view. Also sketch one cross section of some portion of the same chair. Compose these four sketches on one sheet. Label the views.
