SelfWars app, pt 2 — rough wireframe

I had to decide what features to put in a basic version of the app.

rough sketch of the app screen

Russell Brand mentioned in his video that he used a scale of 1 – 10 to rate himself in each life area. I decided to start with 1-5 for now and sketched out a rough list of ideas:

Default scale of 1-5, maybe this scale is editable by user later?
Default set of life areas, can be renamed by user later
Be able to save progress and view a bar chart for week/month
How did I do this week? frequency? daily/weekly?
Need an initial default setup after first open of the app, so that there’s some baseline to compare to

I was going to also set different domains or life areas, but maybe that will be v 2.0:

Good spouse – family
Diet – health
Exercise – health
Bedtime – health
Spiritual practice – spirituality

Some sort of “save” button or option, perhaps

“View past” – a way to view a chart over time

Next, to start building, which I’ve already begun, using Vue.

SelfWars: A New App

An idea for an app to evaluate myself on a daily basis came to me recently while watching an odd video. (I was a bit bashful about setting this post to public last year, so it’s a bit old now. I might be motivated to revisit this project by blogging.)

It was Russel Brand discussing procrastination on YouTube. (Oh, the irony.)

The user would set the parameters on different scales — how Zandra-y was I on exercise this week on a scale of 1 to 10? Maximum Zandra? 40-year-old, years-ago-Zandra? Or ace Starfleet cadet Zandra level? Was I the best Zandra that I could be today/this week?

I think SelfWars is a good name because it’s a constant battle against one’s self.

So if I drew a few prototype screens, what might they look like? Let’s see in my next post.