From jQuery to JavaScript Without Tears


Looking for a cute set of progress bars for my app, I searched around and found a great blog post with a few examples. Originally I had zero intention of using animated progress bars, but they seemed to fit well enough for my needs and actually added a bit of, dare I say, pizazz, to the page.

So I go to play around with the code… aaand it’s jQuery.

facepalm, the other Picard maneuver

On a positive note, usually I can tell what’s going on in jQuery, as if reading psuedocode. It feels sort of like guessing what a Spanish billboard says as an English speaker (to me, anyway). I suppose the faster way to move forward with my project would have been to just import some jQuery via CDN, but I decided that I wanted to fully understand what was going on, and thus decided to rewrite it in plain JavaScript.

“Mayhaps, in the span since first we met, an AI hath vanquished thee, mighty jQuery,” I said to my screen as I Googled “jQuery to JavaScript converter.”

Surprisingly, there was a tool which actually did something, or enough to get me started. Despite some very strange copy on their page, the WorkVersatile converter did deliver on their promise of only “some errors” after conversion.

The original jQuery:

$(".animated-progress span").each(function () {
width: $(this).attr("data-progress") + "%",
$(this).text($(this).attr("data-progress") + "%");

… and the invalid JavaScript output:

document.querySelectorAll(".animated-progress span").each(function () {
width: this.attr("data-progress") + "%",
this.innerText = this.attr("data-progress" + "%");

My end product; instead of innerText, I used the Django template to fill in the element’s text:

document.querySelectorAll(".animated-progress span").forEach(ele => { 
    { width: ele.getAttribute("data-progress") + "%", },
      duration: 1000,
      fill: "forwards"


Using Pivotal Tracker to Manage Your Project

Pivotal‘s free tier might be just what you need to get started or re-energize your side project.

Combining Pivotal’s project management software with — those two tabs in my browser have really boosted my output and kept me organized. So far, the free tier of Pivotal Tracker has been enough to get my little project off the ground, so I thought it might be helpful to share.

You create an account and then name your project. Then you can add user stories or features which you eventually plan on adding to your app or site (your product roadmap).

Adding these features is pretty simple, and you can put as much detail as you like.

Pivotal Tracker project dashboard screenshot
The Pivotal dashboard shows you an estimated project schedule, status, and backlog

Working solo, some of the features like “Accept”/”Reject” buttons aren’t really useful (think: pull request meme of awarding oneself a medal). Also, I’m not quite clear on the project velocity calculation, which seems like a powerful feature that I’m not taking full advantage of at the moment (here’s a 2-year-old video explaining the velocity calc feature, or you can actually — shudder — read the docs). Other than that it’s pretty amazing for my needs. And it’s nice to know that I can still have up to 5 users should I need to bring on help.

This sort of freemium app is really enabling a lot of startup and small business innovation, since a lot of side projects don’t generate income at first. I hope to pass it along with a freemium app of my own!