Z Blog

Closing one chapter and starting a new one

My “Drafts” folder has more blog posts in it than one might think. But I surely had to post this one.

It’s been a minute since my last post, and what do you know: we are back in NYC. And it almost feels like we never left — nobody asks me, “you military?” or “how long you been here” in town. Everyone is from someplace else, and they have pretty tasty poke here, too.

I got a wonderful job offer with a new company, which, exciting as it is, means leaving the great team at Nucamp. I’ve been there for a couple of years, first as a Web Fundamentals Instructor, then as a Student Advisor and Advisor Team Lead.

teaching a lovely group the Web Fundamentals in early 2020

The Nucamp team is helpful, funny, and kind, so I’ll really miss them, and hopefully I can check in via Slack when I have time. It’s really something very special that’s being built there, but I am leaving to pursue…a software engineer role!

Finally I’ve been blessed with this opportunity, after doing freelancing and teaching. It’s humbling to be reminded so sharply of all the “good gift[s]” and “perfect present[s] from above, coming down from the Father of the celestial lights.” It’s also a bit scary, but good-scary, like climbing a roller coaster. And that’s where the growth always seems to occur — in the scary bits. I’ll post more as the weeks and months go by, but as a friend of mine often says, big tings a gwan

SelfWars app, pt 2 — rough wireframe

I had to decide what features to put in a basic version of the app.

rough sketch of the app screen

Russell Brand mentioned in his video that he used a scale of 1 – 10 to rate himself in each life area. I decided to start with 1-5 for now and sketched out a rough list of ideas:

Default scale of 1-5, maybe this scale is editable by user later?
Default set of life areas, can be renamed by user later
Be able to save progress and view a bar chart for week/month
How did I do this week? frequency? daily/weekly?
Need an initial default setup after first open of the app, so that there’s some baseline to compare to

I was going to also set different domains or life areas, but maybe that will be v 2.0:

Good spouse – family
Diet – health
Exercise – health
Bedtime – health
Spiritual practice – spirituality

Some sort of “save” button or option, perhaps

“View past” – a way to view a chart over time

Next, to start building, which I’ve already begun, using Vue.

SelfWars: A New App

An idea for an app to evaluate myself on a daily basis came to me recently while watching an odd video. (I was a bit bashful about setting this post to public last year, so it’s a bit old now. I might be motivated to revisit this project by blogging.)

It was Russel Brand discussing procrastination on YouTube. (Oh, the irony.)

The user would set the parameters on different scales — how Zandra-y was I on exercise this week on a scale of 1 to 10? Maximum Zandra? 40-year-old, years-ago-Zandra? Or ace Starfleet cadet Zandra level? Was I the best Zandra that I could be today/this week?

I think SelfWars is a good name because it’s a constant battle against one’s self.

So if I drew a few prototype screens, what might they look like? Let’s see in my next post.

Downshift: Transitioning and the Career Twisties

My online presence currently projects as a Web Developer, and my current resume still rings more communications- and marketing-heavy. Really though, I am more of a learner, trying to find learning opportunities which will also pay my bills. But transitioning for the career-changer is not for the faint of heart.

Why did I feel the need to make a change? Upon moving with my husband’s job to Hawaii, I found the Hawaii job market to be very tough. There was nothing approaching my previous salary in New York. And it turns out, getting a good job in Hawaii is very, very much based on having friends in the right places. I made a new friend who gave me local cleaning jobs, and I also did a few temp gigs.

Reasoning that companies in other states would have more openings, I began searching remote job boards. I discovered that the higher-paying remote job listings were for developers, and I found out my dad had also been studying Python and other languages when he passed away, so that sealed my decision to study programming. But I had no idea what to study and actually started out with Python.

After a year of stops and starts (not to mention life drama, as it is wont to do, happening,) I realized I should have been focused on web dev! Yet another 6 months later, I realized that I might have benefited most from the regimentation of a bootcamp. I seriously considered attending a bootcamp out of state, but that would mean leaving home and my husband for months, and I learned that even bootcamp grads have to leave Hawaii to find entry-level work.

Just as the talent saturation of the Bay Area was a big factor in protracting  Patrick Thompson’s (YouTube) job search, the Honolulu area suffers from the opposite: many tourism-related jobs, but not many tech companies featuring entry-level opportunities. Transitioning for the career-changer after a certain age also adds an extra layer of difficulty, since there is competition with shiny new grads for the few positions that are available.

Acceptance and Failing Forward

Still doing the cleaning jobs, and I have a couple of job applications in review. If they get rejected I might wrap up my efforts to enter the web dev employment track. I am proud of all that I’ve learned, but basically I wasted 2 whole years trying to get a remote, entry-level web dev job — something that is still pretty rare! But failure can help you find different approaches and is good for your brain! I am viewing this not as a total fail, but as extremely valuable experience.

For example, I attended meetups and enjoyed working with some great people on a fun internship. Meeting a lot of kind folks in the Twittersphere has also been an unexpected bonus. I learned some essential tools, and learned what I didn’t want to work on!

Also, WordPress freelancing was supposed to be a stop-gap measure until I found a permanent job, but I have learned more about WordPress over the past year than in the previous 5 years as a mere user. I might attempt to go the freelance route. This is something I might not have considered a few years ago.

Lastly, I’ve had a lot of fun — many nights I have had to tear myself away from VS Code and go to bed! I even started a side project which might eventually earn some ad and affiliate revenue. A lot of developers will tell you that they don’t code 24/7, but rather have hobbies such as cooking or sports. So it seems natural that I can have coding as a hobby.

Hindsight Which Might Help Other Career-Changers

In hindsight, transitioning as a career-changer was not even something I could have attempted without the support of my husband. Not knowing what I was getting myself into was probably for the best! If I could go back in time and get a do-over, I would try to secure a remote job with a New York company before leaving New York and relocating to Hawaii. New York has such a diversified economy compared to Hawaii, and there are just way more opportunities available. Also, there seems to be an unfortunate perception of Hawaii residents as beach bums who don’t work, not to mention many mainland companies don’t want to complicate their payroll by hiring out-of-state.

Another thing I could have done differently is studying for the jobs where there is demand, not just studying whatever is interesting. I found Python to be a lot more accessible than JavaScript as a newbie, so that’s what I gravitated towards. Nothing wrong with that, if I had also learned Django. I played with Android Studio (Java) because I wanted to try making a mobile app. I took pre-courses for Lambda School (JS) and AppAcademy (Ruby), instead of just working on my own learning projects. Jumping around so much exploring different technologies, it took me much longer to gain enough skill in one language to pass a coding challenge. There is a confusing amount of stuff out there to learn and without a guide — it is tough to know what to focus on. So I’d say just pick a track/stack and start checking the subjects off one by one.

Which brings me to the final hindsight which I hope someone out there may find useful; having someone to guide you. I really didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do; I just thought I might be good at coding since I like solving problems. Looking at a job board, I had no idea what the difference was between a Web Developer, a Front End Engineer, and a Full-Stack Developer. And I was actually interested primarily in software development and machine learning at first. Having a knowledgeable person to talk to about these tracks might have helped me narrow things down sooner and save a lot of time and energy.

I still have a few job applications out there under consideration, so I will update again later…

Chatbots: Overcoming Errors Using the Rasa NLU Starter Pack in Windows

So I got invited to join a team building a chatbot, exciting! When I am able to say more I’ll definately post. I decided to do a bunch of reading and research in my free time. Ironically it was machine learning which originally attracted me to Python and coding a couple of years ago, and I’d given up on that due to employment options in my area.

I looked into a few options and it seems the best choice for keeping your data to yourself and not using external APIs is an open-source package called Rasa. They have a starter pack you can play with. It comes with a nice video guide, but this is running on Linux. I came across a lot of errors during the install process; hopefully this post will help someone else using Windows.

If you already have Python installed (whether by PyCharm or Anaconda or some other bundle,) open a terminal/command line (cmd.exe) and check to see what version you have by typing:

$ python --version

(Only type everything after the $, at the command prompt.)

You might want to also search for any instance of ‘python.exe’ on your PC.

‘python’ is not recognized as an internal or external command / Can’t find python.exe install folder

When you see “‘python’ is not recognized as an internal or external command” in the terminal, but you know for a fact that you have Python installed (perhaps, um, several different versions in several places,) you might think you are an idiot. But you’re not!


(frustrated user tweet)

After some web searching, I tried setting the Python path in Advanced System Settings>Environment Variables. But that default install directory was too deep (ideally we want it in a top-level folder,) and it is a hidden system folder to boot, so I was really wondering where it installed to.

The easiest way to fix that is to reinstall Python using the graphical installer. Run the installer as administrator. BE SURE to click the little ‘Add to PATH’ checkbox, or all this will be for naught!! This is a lot quicker than manually adjusting the path in environment variables.
Then choose “Custom install location.” Clicking “Install for all users” should automatically change the install path to the C:Program Files folder.

You may also be able to do this without a full reinstall by selecting Modify/Repair under Control Panel>Programs and Features.

‘$ pip install spacy’ command finishes with murmurhash…MS Visual 14.0 C++ required

Rasa can use spaCy, Tensorflow, or other tool packages to parse text. For some reason, Rasa on Windows requires MS Visual Studio Build Tools. I’m sure there’s a fascinating reason behind this, but for now we just have to accept it. Their user forum and Github page has addressed the issue, and you can download and install the needed bits here. (The link provided in the error message — http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools — doesn’t work anymore.)

“access denied” error returned in cmd

Retry the command, but this time run cmd.exe as Administrator (Start menu, type ‘cmd’, right-click the icon and select ‘Run as Administrator.’) I forgot to do this more than a few times.

error: could not find version that satisfies requirement Tensorflow

Turned out I had Python 32-bit installed (issue raised on GitHub here). I uninstalled it via the Programs and Features dialog and installed Python 3.6.8, 64-bit version. I also installed Anaconda because after all the errors, I was getting frustrated with the whole install and just threw the kitchen sink at it. Honestly I’m not quite sure which fixed this error! If I figure it out I will update.

How do you run ‘make’ to train the model?

Unless you install third-party tools, you can’t run the ‘make’ command in the Windows 7 command line. Copy the code from inside the Makefile and paste into the command line:

$ python -m rasa_core.train -d domain.yml -s stories.md -o models/dialogue

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘rasa_core’

I got this after running the rasa_core.train command above. So I ran ‘pip install -U rasa_core’ (again, don’t forget to run as administrator like I did!) This led to the next error:

ERROR: rasa-nlu 0.15.0 has requirement future~=0.17.1, but you’ll have future 0.16.0 which is incompatible.

After a short web search, I just ignored this error because I was getting ready to chuck my laptop out the window. But the code still worked in the end. If you care to share any insights on it, please comment!

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘named win32api’

This appeared after I tried to run the model test with ‘python -m rasa_nlu.server –path ./models’. A web search led me to this solution:

$ python -m pip install pypiwin32

It installed and said ‘successful,’ but the terminal was frozen with no prompt. I started another terminal and re-ran the model test command and…

terminal hangs at “Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site object”, nothing happens

I thought that nothing happened, but really that was the command to start the server on port 5000. It had been hours since I read through the readme file, and I’d forgotten there was any mention of a server. And I’d seen so many obstacles I didn’t know what success looked like! In the Rasa forums there was a similarly confused poster, and an answer which suggested checking port 5000, but without any mention of HOW to check that port. I went back to the video and found the command:

$ curl XPOST localhost:5000/parse -d '{"query":"Hello", "project": "current"}'

It will need to run in a new terminal window. (When you’re finished you can kill the server in the first terminal window with Ctrl+C.) If you have GitBash installed or if you are using Windows 10 you can run curl. Change “Hello” to “yes”, or “I am Suzy”, and see the different results!


私はWordPressのフリーターになるはず じゃなかったけど , 最近 仕事 が与えてくれた 。もしかしてウェブ デベロッパーの勉強する間に 働く 余裕 は 祝福 だかもしれない 。 プロジェクトをうまくいけるようにAsana という ウェブサイトを 使っている。 簡単で無料なのでどうぞ 。

去年の インターンシップで 初めてAsanaについて 聞いたことがあった 。 けど その仕事が終わって たの 携帯のアプリは 使えなくなって しまった 。 Androidの Asanaの アプリで 会社 を 変える 方法は 無さそうです 。 (バージョン 6.21.2 )

それで何ヶ月Asanaのアップリが 使えずままで携帯に入っていた。最近Josh Hrachと言う人の考え深いブログ(英語)を呼んで、フリーターでAsanaを使うな~っと。

だから デスクトップの ウェブサイト をアクセスして , 丸井プロファイルの写真を クリックして 、その他 新しいワークックスペースを 新規作成 が出た:

よかったと思ったけどプレミアムテンプレート の お金はあんまりなかったので , 自分で リスト を 作らないといけない 。

ペーパー&オーツ(「紙とオート麦」、英語)という会社は ダウンロードできるPDFガイド を含めて いる 記事 があります。 ずいぶん前書かれていたけど まだ 使いやすいガイド だね .   けれども私は 大きな ウェブ会社ではないので , 大きなタスクリスト いらない と思った 。 例えば彼らのタスクリスト はの1つはのは顧客へのギフト。

簡単なタスクリストを作るため、見積りや契約で一つずつ段階、すまり 成果物、(英語でdeliverables)が述べられているわけだ。そこから新しい.txtファイルにコピペして。それ全部コピー。

左側の下の方に、プロジェクトを追加 を選んで:


Asana dashboard (Japanese)


先作った 新しい 成果物の .txtファイルをすべてコピーした、ね? 今青いバトン、プロジェクトを作成、を押して下さい。次、CTRL+Vでペースト。リストのアイテムが出る:

もし間違ったら、CTRL+BACKSPACEで消してまたやり直すことができる。私が経験で学んだことだ。 (^_^ )

そしてDue date、 「期日 」を付けないと意味ないでしょう?

WordPress Freelancers: Make a Custom Asana Project Task List Using Your Written Proposal or Contract

Well, I wasn’t supposed to become a WordPress freelancer, but that’s what has been available lately. Perhaps it is a blessing and this is actually the pace I should be moving while doing my web developement studies… But to keep things moving smoothly, I’ve been using Asana to keep my projects organized — it’s free and simple!

I was introduced to Asana last year during my internship, but once that gig was over, I just had this useless app on my phone. In the current Android app (ver 6.21.2) there didn’t seem to be any way to change my workspace or organization.

So Asana languished on my phone for a bit, teetering on the brink of uninstallment, when I came across this thoughtful blog post by Josh Hrach, encouraging use of Asana for side projects.

I had to switch to the desktop site to add a new workspace (pictured below). Clicking on my top-right profile photo then clicking “More” and “Create new workspace” did it nicely.

But then when you need a new project task list and you are kinda lacking in the skrilla department for a premium template, you have to make your own. A task in and of itself!

Paper and Oats has a lovely blog post on how to do this, complete with a downloadable PDF task list. The post has aged quite well! But if you don’t need a huge, agency-sized task list (their items included “customer gift”,) you can use any old text list.

You already have a list — your deliverables, or even a paper to-do list! Just open a blank text file and copy-paste all the milestones/deliverables from your client service agreement, project proposal, or project contract. If you don’t have one, forget about Asana; go fill out one of these templates —


Once you have the major deliverables listed up, copy everything and Add new project in Asana’s left sidebar, choosing a Blank project template. Name it whatever you want…

Click “Create project”.

Now click the blue “Add task” button and DON’T DO ANYTHING ELSE! Just click Add task, and then use CTRL-V to paste your clipboard contents (or CMD-V). Asana will make your text into separate tasks. Don’t worry if any popups appear, just paste.

If you mess up like I did, just go back and erase with TAB+BACKSPACE keys, or click to delete inside the popup dialog. Then paste again. Press ENTER on your keyboard and CTRL-V again to add more tasks.

But wait — don’t forget to set time goals for each task by adding Due dates. That’s it for a simple Asana project!

Impostor syndrome: wow, it IS a real thing.

Doing something as mundane as sitting in a conference room felt terribly awkward.  I thought to myself, “What is wrong with me? I know how to talk, for goodness’ sakes!”  Uninvited, impostor syndrome was sitting at the conference room table next to me.

As communications manager at a previous company, heads were nodding along as I spoke, and I was being invited in on meetings outside of my department within two months of being hired. Yet as a new web developer, the conference room somehow took on a completely different feel.  The first couple of times, I chalked it up to nerves.  Surrounded by some of the nicest folks I have had the pleasure of working with in my entire career, people who had publicly committed to helping uplift women like me — yet my words wouldn’t flow, my palms started to sweat, and I felt as if everyone was secretly wondering, “who let her into the building?”  As much as I heard about impostor syndrome in tweets or podcasts, I was STILL rattled and unprepared for the sensation.  Why?

Being new in your field can be intimidating for anyone, and impostor syndrome strikes all genders and races.  I’d studied HTML, CSS, learned WordPress, Python and JavaScript.  On paper, I deserved to be where I was, but I’d never prepared mentally for the double whammy of being a newbie on the job and being a member of an underrepresented group in my field.

Yes, certain stereotypes exist — I just didn’t realize how deeply I’d internalized them, until I sat in that conference room as a web developer.  In 99% of my beloved childhood sci-fi, the technical nerd is a white guy.  And growing up, I pretty much lived on a steady diet of sci-fi.

Pavlovian dinner bell = dogs start drooling.  Computer geek-out session = we imagine a white dude.  I know intellectually that this stereotype is wrong, but that doesn’t erase it from my brain.

I have prepared.  I know the material.  I’ve done presentations before.  But unlike being an executive assistant or a communications manager, while sitting in a meeting as a web developer there was a part of me that was experiencing cognitive dissonance at my even being in the room.

So I am feeling off, flustered, without even knowing why I am flustered.  This seems to lead to me rambling, stammering, or just plain drawing a blank.  Combine this with the stereotypes of everyone else in the room who grew up watching those same movies and reading those same books; there is a good chance that subconsciously — despite all their genuine goodwill — they are subconsciously singing “one of these things is not like the other,” too.  This will impact their responses to my presentation, as their brains secretly betray them, grappling with my presence.  Perhaps they are immune to those pop-culture stereotypes — or maybe they even grew up watching different films in another country.  Even so, the dissonance in my own mind is enough to derail me.  Presenting in a conference room in France or Japan would probably be as challenging, because I become whatever I subconsciously believe to be the perception of me.  “I’m babbling!  Everyone knows I don’t belong in this room.  They must wonder why they even hired me instead of all those more qualified applicants!”  These little leaks into my conscious thoughts are repeatedly brushed aside by my intellect, which remembers the articles and the podcasts on impostor syndrome: “Don’t be ridiculous.  They want you here, stop doubting yourself.”

Life, being life, threw some emergencies my way, and I didn’t have time to unpack and analyze my experience until it was over.  Is the answer to work more hours than ever?  No, I always did sufficient research in all my previous roles.  Should I just try to “not see color,” or try to return to the days of my youth before I’d realized that I was actually black?  Nope — I don’t think that is possible, and even if it were, it would only further reinforce my ingrained stereotypes.

Ultimately, I think I just need to continue to enjoy learning, but also be more scripted in my delivery (at least until I feel more comfortable).  After some reflection, I concluded that the detailed meeting prep I would do for marketing or sales meetings is not gonna cut it.  When anyone feels uncomfortable in a situation where they have to speak, it helps to prepare little scripts in advance.

Being aware of my own closely-held stereotypes will also help, I’m sure.  And celebrating my wins, big or small, is something I will start doing to build my confidence.

Hurricane Lane a no-show, but nice 3-day weekend for coding!

With Hurricane Lane approaching, sitting around eating snacks, I fully intended to work on Python all weekend. So how did I end up coding a wireframe?  After spending a day figuring out how to install Python on my paid hosting server, I began to feel that a Flask web app at this stage in my learning, was like swatting a fly with a tank. I just need a basic, simple project to get going and to start the portfolio ball rolling, so to speak.

So I started searching for how to build a web app. I came across Sketch, then realized it was only for Mac OS. Since I’m not buying a Mac just to run one program, I started searching for alternatives. I found Adobe dx, but it doesn’t run on Win 7 (yes, I am running Win 7, downgraded a new Kabylake
laptop because I cannot STAND Win 10). A bit more searching turned up the lovely Figma web tool.

Wireframing in Figma

Figma is awesome, very easy to use and very fast. But after making a few wireframes, I had no idea how to code them. A search for “how to code a wireframe” brought me to Jesse Showalter’s series, “Design & Code a Responsive Landing Page from Start to Finish”. I thought it best to start from the first video. He pretty much did everything I had just done in Figma, only he used Sketch.

BUT …video number 6 sure escalated things quick!!
6 – Design & Code a Responsive Landing Page from Start to Finish | Setting Up Your Dev Environment

So the next day, I decided to watch it again, paused it, watched it, paused it MANY times to follow along and decipher what he was talking about.

I already had node and npm installed. Jesse uses GitHub but lately I’m trying out GitLab instead. It seems you can use GitHub Desktop with a GitLAB repository; just go to your GitLab project page and select “Create personal access token”, then copy-paste that https URL into GitHub desktop under the Clone tab.

Installing Gulp and Sass was also super-simple, and Jesse has the framework all set up and ready to use so it’s easy to follow along after deleting the previous project-specific code.

Gulp watches things and refreshes your browser for you!

Anyway, here’s the quick page I ended up building by following Jesse’s tutorial up to video number 8. I’ll probably add some JavaScript later and do a few more different pages. He goes really fast and you have to pause occasionally to see the tiny menus/tabs and figure out what folder he is working in, but I HIGHLY recommend the series — just hit pause and take your time!

先週 レーン 台風 が近づいて , おやつ食べることばっかりして 週末中に Python勉強しよう と 決定しました。 しかし、 うちの 勝ってる ドメイン に Pythonを インストール することを1日間 頑張って, 昇進者によってFlask はちょっとやり過ぎ で , もうちょっと基本的な プロジェクトで スタートしますっと 決めた 。
 それで オンライン で ウェブ アプリ の作り方 を探した 。スケッチとやっぱりあるけど MacOSだけ で使える 。 1つのアプリのためだけ Macを買うつもりない ので 、違うやつを探して 、アドベ DX もあった 。けれども Windows 7 の バージョン は無い (Windows10、は 大嫌いので ダウングレード した 新しい ラップトップ を使ってる )。 そして Figma (フィグマ) と言う すばらしい ウェブ サービス 見つかった 。
 ワイヤーフレーム のページ を数枚作って、ワイヤーフレームを どうやってコーディングするの か を 調べて , ジェシー・ショワルターという人 のYouTube 「 ランディングページの デザインと コード、 初めから 最後まで 」
 が出た。 最初モビリオから スタートして , 彼は 私が Figmaでやったことすべて できたけど 違うのは スケッチを使っただだ。
しかし。。。 6番目のビリオンは 大変難しくなった !
 少し休んで 次の日にもう一回見て, 彼が 何用話しいるか わかるように ポーズして , そしてみて , そして 何回も ポーズした。
Node と npm はもインストール されてた 。ジェシーさんは githubを使ってるけど 私は最近GitLabを 使っている。 GitHubデスクトップ トゥーソフト を Gitラボ といっしょに 使えることができる。Gitラボ の ページに行って、 “Create personal access token” を選んで そのhttps の URL を GitHubデスクトップ > クローン というタブ の中に コピペ する 。
Gulp (ガルプ)とSass(サース)をインストールするのはすごい簡単で 、ジェシーさんはその ファイルの準備してくれた ので スムーズで フォローすることができる。
 この ベリオシリーズを 8番目 まで 見ながら このページ ができた。あとで時間があればJavaScript など 入れると思う。 ジェシーの レディオ はちょっと 早けどよくポーズして 時間とって 頑張ってみてください 。

PythonAnywhere and Flask for Beginners

2時間のコースは数日間ぐらいかかったけど 大丈夫です 。仕事の しながら やってたので 、 遅かった。 「初級者 のための Python フラスク」(講師: ジュリアン・セキエイラ) というコースは とても 速で簡単なので 自分に自身が あるようになった。
 virtual environment (バーチュアル エンバイロンメント)を作って、そこにフラスクをインストールする 。 そして .pyファイル, html のファイル, CSS のファイル を作る 。 ちょっとずつ易しく説明されてるけど 、 Python Anywhere (どこでもパイソン ) の案内図みたいのページも 助かった 。


python flask web app called "JahTime", running on pythonanywhere.com


もうちょっと勉強して 、やり直すと思うので この 年齢 カルキデータ はなくなる かもしれない 。このコースはデータベースを 教えていないので 、 パイソン エニウェア のMySQL 案内ページ を使って 勉強を 続く 。。。 

So it took me a few days to get through this 2-hour course, that’s ok! LOL Hey, I do have a day job!
Python Flask for Beginners by Julian Sequeira of PyBit.es is a quick and easy course, which was a good confidence booster for me, to actually be able to finish a course on Udemy for once.

Basically you have to create something called a virtual environment, then install Flask there. Then you create a .py file, an HTML file, and a CSS file. The instructor (@_juliansequeira) goes through this setup step by step, but I found it helpful to also read PythonAnywhere’s walkthrough.

python flask web app called "JahTime", running on pythonanywhere.com

I’ll probably play with more little web forms, so this age calculator will be replaced with whatever I practice next. The course doesn’t get into databases at all, so I think I’ll go through the latter half of the PythonAnywhere walkthrough, which shows how to set up a MySQL database using their service.