JobsTrek app – new dashboard and styling

A big issue with my job tracking app for jobseekers was the terrible colors. “Just build an MVP, don’t worry about aesthetics,” was the vibe that led me to the weird green background color.

But that’s gone, now that a slick new ‘skin’ has been applied — the Argon dashboard for Django, an open-source package.

There are still a lot of other issues to be fixed, but that was a very pressing one which I think adds some momentum.

The Argon dashboard is installable via pip, so it’s easy to integrate. I wish I had used it from the beginning, because it kinda took over my routing — it assumes you want to use its login page (it has a password reset link and other bells and whistles which I’m not quite ready for yet). A few adjustments to and it was fixed.

It also comes with a lot of icons that I don’t need and will have to tweak. Overall it’s quite a robust package. If and when I get more users, I’ll pay for the commercial license, where there is also a bit of support via Discord.

Next is mapping the data points on the line graph correctly!

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