Tech Tangent: Installing the Bitpay Ecwid plugin with WordPress

Instructions for the layperson installing the Bitpay Ecwid plugin

After trying unsuccessfully to install this Bitpay plugin at my WordPress site, I decided to go with a simpler plugin from .  So while it is not the smooth solution I wanted and I now effectively have 2 stores, at least it is working and I can accept payments!
For anyone other artists out there who are not web programmers and want to accept Bitcoin using Bitpay on Ecwid, I can get you as far as getting the Bitpay option to appear on your Ecwid checkout page:


1. Backup your site, and make sure you have SSL enabled (you can purchase through your hosting service)
2. Download the zipped files for Ecwid Bitpay plugin from Github
3. Extract the compressed files and note the location
4. Log into your website’s hosting site and open the File Manager
5. Navigate to the folder in you site which contains your WordPress installation. Then open the sub-folder which has all your plugins, including Ecwid. It may be a location such as this: public_html/wp-content/plugins/ecwid-shopping-cart

6. Create a new folder there called “ecwid-plugin-master”
7. Upload the extracted files from Github into this new folder. (if you know how to FTP, you can also do that)
8. Open the “bitpay” folder, and then open “config.php” with your File Manager’s text editing feature.
Now you are ready to follow the instructions in the README file which was included in the files from Github to edit the config settings.

This is what you should see when you open the config.php file with a text editor. (I added my comments inside asterisks ***):

// ecwid settings
$storeURL = ”; // example: ‘’ ***fill in your store link between the single quotes***
$storeId = ”; // found in your ecwid control panel, bottom-right

// bitpay settings
// url of bitpay folder on your server. example: ‘
$bitpayURL = ”;
// apiKey: create this at in your account settings and paste it here
$apiKey = ”; // ex ‘DNboT9fVNpW7usAuDNboT9fVNpW7usAu’
// speed: Warning: on medium/low, customers will not see an order confirmation page.
$speed = ‘high’; // can be ‘high’, ‘medium’ or ‘low’. See bitpay API doc for more details.

//payment method settings
$login = ”; // see README ***generate a random string and paste here between the single quotes. You can use sites such as***
$hashValue = ”; // see README ***generate a random string and paste here between the single quotes. You”ll need a third random string for the MDchecksum as well. Note these numbers in someplace where you can find it later, because you will need to enter them into Ecwid settings.***

// add trailing slash to url
$bitpayURL = preg_replace(‘#([^\/])$#’, ‘\1/’, $bitpayURL); ***This portion I don’t understand. I am still waiting to hear back from ,  if they ever get back to me, I’ll repost.***

The above steps got me this far…you can see the Bitpay option appears
…but after clicking “Continue”, the next page generates an error.

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